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Beautiful and Intricate Coloring Books

It's time to relax and spend some time coloring in Dan's complex and beautiful designs. An ink and pencil graphic artist, he excels at creating dragons, fairies, and many different fantasy animals. His scenes tell fantastical stories, and astute admirers often find amazing hidden images in his work. Dan's customers often tell him that coloring in his incredibly detailed art is therapeutic, and they appreciate his subtle humor.

Available Nationwide

Usually only available at select renaissance fairs across the country, Dan is releasing his engaging coloring books nationwide, some for the first time. He is offering a variety of themes and sizes, which provides hours of entertainment with large 11x14 scenes, and pocket-sized 4x8 pictures that you can take on the go. The large coloring books contain 17 beautiful scenes, the first page being a black and white duplicate of the cover, to practice on. These are available for $35.00. His portable pocket coloring books have 8 stunning illustrations to color and cost $8.00. Some coloring books have different themes and all include a look into Dan's imagination.


Dan has finally brought together some of his, and your, favorite dragons!  We took your requests, along with some of Dan's favorites, and brought them together in this beautiful book that you dragon lovers have been waiting for!  It includes three from his 18x24 collection, and the new cover.  Enjoy!